Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Today was "Grandma Day" with Joshua.

When crossing the road with toddlers you need a game plan . . . mine is "stick like glue" . . . in todder language that means . . . "stick with me" . . . trust me it works.

Joshua and I have a special "love language" . . . it involves trading jokes. Not all of them are repeatable . . . however, not for the reason you think (smile).

I was excited because I had a new one. So, I began . . . Joshua, why did . . . Grandma, I'm Spider Man . . . ohhh right . . . Spider Man . . .

Why did the sucker cross the road? . . . then after many guesses . . .

Because it was stuck to the chicken! . . . pause . . . Grandma . . . I'm stuck to you . . .

That's the plan Spider Man . . . may this day stick to you forever! I love you Joshua!


Blogger gloria said...

so sweet

12:49 PM  
Blogger jeffmacsimus said...

A little window into the kind of joy that lies beneath all of time and wells up in everyday moments... You are blessed and blessing all at the same time.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Erin Bennett said...

This is an adorable story...thanks for sharing. :)

9:45 AM  
Blogger Jaime G said...

Oh for a Grandma like you!! Go!! Go!! Give and give!!

4:54 PM  

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